If you came here hoping to find a post in Portuguese, tough luck. It's time you people start to learn more languages and expand your horizons. If you're still reading, congratulations. It means you have nothing better to do than read what a grade A maniac has to offer. If by chance you feel this is not your place, then, by all means, piss off.
Back in the good old days, when people were persecuted by the church and abortion was semi-illegal, there was a fact that today would scare the sh1t out of me (actually, no). People were shorter. There, I said it. "Snow White and the seven dwarves" had a different title back then. It was known as "Big Foot and the seven miners" or "7-up". But it wasn't as catchy as it is now, so they kept the latter.
Back in the good old days, when people were persecuted by the church and abortion was semi-illegal, there was a fact that today would scare the sh1t out of me (actually, no). People were shorter. There, I said it. "Snow White and the seven dwarves" had a different title back then. It was known as "Big Foot and the seven miners" or "7-up". But it wasn't as catchy as it is now, so they kept the latter.
Most of you are going "WTF, mate?". I understand. Actually I don't. It's called lying, I don't know if you're familiar with it. They say acceptance is the first step to cure. I'll give a try. I have cancer. Nope. Nothing. Still withering here. Thank you shrinks all over the world for making my traumatic death harder.
In other news Maddie hasn't appeared yet. I know it's bad to speak of such thing in a web page like this (actually it's a blog). But i'm not here to make fun of the parents or the kid. I'm not even here to talk about the fact that they left a four-year-old alone in a hotel. I'm here to simply say: "Hey, fuck3rs! Praying to a shrine ain't gonna get your kid back. While you're at it ask Santa where my pony is. He must've forgot about it this X-mas. You'd have better luck throwing a penny at a fountain.". Erm. Alright, moving along.
Greg House, the artist formerly known as Hugh Laurie, has been granted knighthood. So basically, I pick up a cane and a machete and get armed knight. Is that it? No? What did I miss. A beard!?!? You gotta be kidding me. Oh, I'm gonna die alone and without an armor. Straight to Hell too.
In other news Maddie hasn't appeared yet. I know it's bad to speak of such thing in a web page like this (actually it's a blog). But i'm not here to make fun of the parents or the kid. I'm not even here to talk about the fact that they left a four-year-old alone in a hotel. I'm here to simply say: "Hey, fuck3rs! Praying to a shrine ain't gonna get your kid back. While you're at it ask Santa where my pony is. He must've forgot about it this X-mas. You'd have better luck throwing a penny at a fountain.". Erm. Alright, moving along.
Greg House, the artist formerly known as Hugh Laurie, has been granted knighthood. So basically, I pick up a cane and a machete and get armed knight. Is that it? No? What did I miss. A beard!?!? You gotta be kidding me. Oh, I'm gonna die alone and without an armor. Straight to Hell too.